Town of Cheektowaga Residents: This information was put together for you by the Town of Cheektowaga Highway Department to help answer common questions concerning road conditions and homeowner responsibilities. The Highway Department also provides many additional services; some of the major ones are discussed below.
Spring Time (March – May)
Pot Holes: Pot holes are repaired year round. If you have a pot hole in your area that needs repair, call 686-3450 and a foreman will inspect the area immediately to determine the best course of action.
Tree Planting: New trees, based on funds and availability, are offered to Cheektowaga homeowners for spring and/or fall plantings. Trees can only be planted within the town’s right-of-way. To request a tree planting, call 686-3450 or email: givemeatree@tocny.org and include your name, phone number and address. We currently have a list in place but you are welcome to add your name in case we get additional funds.
Branch Pickup: (mid April through mid November) Branches will be picked up throughout town on a rotating basis. Sanitation will start by collecting all items not exceeding 4′ in length or 40 pounds (tied in bundles). Branches that exceed 4′ or 40 pounds will be picked up the following day by the Highway Department, as resources allow. Be sure all branches are piled at curbside, in an open area (not to block the sidewalk or street). As an option, residents can dispose of such branches at the Highway yard during normal business hours.
Storm Sewers: Drainage repair / replacement and installation begin in early spring. Many of these projects are created in conjunction with Highway and the Town Engineering Departments. Please report any malfunctioning storm sewers or missing manhole covers by calling 686-3450.
Attention Residents: If you have a storm receiver in front of or near your house, please take the time to make sure it is free from all debris, grass clippings and tree seedlings. The extra effort on your part is appreciated and can prevent unnecessary blockage and/or possible flooding.
Summer Time (June – August)
Street Sweeping: Street sweepers are used to support paving and pipe installation projects during the warm weather season. In addition, their goal is to sweep the primary and secondary roads on average twice a season.
Street Paving: Street paving and road reconstruction is controlled by the Highway Superintendent and the Town Engineer. There are many roads throughout the town that need repair. The priority at this time is to repair roads that are 20 years or older that need storm drainage or storm drainage repair.
2024 Proposed Street Paving/Reconstruction List (link)
Tree Trimming/Removal: Town trees within the right-of-way area that are dead, badly diseased or causing safety hazards can be removed by the Highway Department pending the approval of the Housing Department. For a tree inspection call 897-7281. Upon approval from Housing, a removal process is then planned in stages which consists of topping the tree and trunk, stump grinding and filling the remaining hole with topsoil/seed. Re-planting can be arranged under tree planting options mentioned above.
For overgrown or loose hanging branches of trees within the right-of-ways, call 686-3450. An inspection will be done to determine the course of action to be taken.
Fall Time (September – November)
Highway Leaf Pick-up: Leaves will be picked up as quickly as possible depending on the weather. It is the resident’s responsibility to get the leaves to the grass area next to the curb (aka the right of way). Leaves should NOT BE IN THE STREET and no brush or branches should be mixed into the leaves. Only leaves located in the right of way will be picked up by the Highway Department. Questions relating to this pickup should be directed to the Highway Department at 686-3450.
In late November yard waste, including leaves, should be placed in heavy duty plastic bags and put in your garbage tote. If the bags will not fit inside the tote, you may place them next to the tote, and the Sanitation Department will pick them up.
Winter Time (December – February)
Snow / Ice Removal: The Town is divided into 21 different routes for snow and ice removal. There are also several county roads that the Highway Department maintains regarding snow and ice removal. It is also the responsibility of the Highway Department to maintain safe passage on many steps and bridges throughout the Town. During the snowfall season, the Highway Department is on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays.