Community Development
Welcome to the Cheektowaga Community & Economic Development Office.
The Cheektowaga Office of Community and Economic Development administers the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnership programs funded with dollars provided to the Town by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It also administers NYS Affordable Housing Corporation (AHC) grant funds from New York State. The primary goal of the Community Development Programs is to develop and maintain viable communities with respect to housing, neighborhoods and economic opportunities. The flexibility built into the CDBG Program allows communities to achieve program goals while addressing their local needs through a variety of ways. Each activity undertaken must meet one of the following three national objectives:
1) Benefit low-to-moderate income persons either on an individual level or on an area-wide basis;
2024 Income Eligibility Guidelines
2) Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; and,
3) Meet a need having a particular urgency.
Funds can be used on activities for income-eligible residents or areas of the Town, including the Villages of Sloan and Depew (west of Transit Road). Since 1975, the CDBG Program has been of great value to the Town, enabling it to carry-out many needed improvements and services to improve the quality of life for Town residents and neighborhoods. CDBG funding has allowed the Town to accomplish the following types of activities:
- Drainage and sewer installation and repairs
- Street reconstruction
- Sidewalk replacement
- Park and playground improvements
- Purchase of new vans for the senior citizen center
- Police neighborhood foot patrols
- Recreation Department summer day camp program
- Pre-purchase and mortgage default housing counseling
- Counseling and support for victims of domestic violence.
These federal and New York State funds are also used for the following programs and public services that improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods:
Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program
The Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program assists eligible homeowner-occupants of one-to-two-family residences to help with essential repairs. Funded through CDBG and Home Investment Partnership Program monies, the program aims to eliminate substandard living conditions and prolong the useful life of the housing stock occupied by low and moderate income households. Assistance is provided in the form of affordable, repayable low interest loans (0% – 1.5%) or deferred payment 0% interest loans (depending on level of income) of up to $40,000.
Housing Rehabilitation Program Flyer
Mobile Home Repair Program
The Mobile Home Repair program provides low interest, deferred payment loans and grants to low-income individuals residing in mobile homes. Assistance is provided in the form of a repayable low interest loans (0%) up to $7,500.
Handicap Accessibility Program
The Housing Accessibility Program allows disabled and physically impaired, low and moderate-income individuals with documented disabilities that significantly impair mobility to make essential accessibility improvements to their owner-occupied home. Loan assistance is available to assist with items such as access ramps or lift installation, walkway repair or replacement and re-plumbing kitchen and bath to provide access to facilities.
Fair Housing Program
To further Fair Housing, the Town of Cheektowaga utilizes Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME), which assists housing discrimination victims, and provides fair housing counseling and referrals as well as mobility assistance. Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) also conducts fair housing training workshops for landlords and local fair housing officers. Further information can be obtained by contacting HOME at (716) 854-1400.
The Town of Cheektowaga Fair Housing Program also utilizes Belmont Housing Resources for WNY, a comprehensive HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency. Belmont counsels individuals and group audiences on an array of diverse and complex topics, including: financial education; homeownership pre-purchase; rental issues; post occupancy, which includes foreclosure/default counseling, HECM (reverse mortgages), home maintenance and financial management; fair housing, including tenant/landlord rights, assistance in completing complaint forms and referrals to fair housing and legal agencies; Belmont also provides Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers and home buyer Club referrals/counseling/guidance. Further information can be obtained by contacting Belmont at (716) 884-7791.
Additional Fair Housing Links:
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Cheektowaga Economic Development Corp.
Cheektowaga Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) Loans