Employee Relations – Personnel
Employee Benefit and Insurance Unit
The Employee Benefits and Insurance unit coordinates the administration of all medical, dental, vision programs plus the Worker’s Compensation program for the Town.
Employee/Labor Relations Unit
The Employee/Labor Management Relations unit serves as the Town’s representative in matters pertaining to negotiating contracts,agreements and understandings between the Town and the respective collective bargaining units (five collective bargaining units) representing Town employees.
Employment/Civil Service Unit
The Personnel aspect of the department maintains the records of all past and present Town employees and serves as liaison to the Erie County Department of Personnel as well as processing and administering applications for Town employment, both full and part-time, in accordance with NY State Civil Service Law, and associated regulations.
Cheektowaga is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Full-time Job Opportunities
Part-time Employment Opportunities
Part-Time Applications Always Accepted for:
Part-time- 19/hrs week or Seasonal- 37/hrs week
Various Departments- Clerks and Laborers
Senior Services- Van Driver
Building/Plumbing Office – Assistant Code Enforcement Officer
Police Department- Dog Warden, Police Attendant(Detention Officer), School Crossing Guards and Student Assistants
Hours: Seasonal Laborer- hours and days vary
General Statement of Duties:
Work involves performing routine manual labor, requiring physical endurance and willingness to perform a variety and repetitive tasks. Activities include cut grass, trimming shrubs, rake leaves, cut bushes, & spade flower beds. Pick up and dispose of garbage in parks & buildings, clean, and service buildings, and maintenance of ball diamonds.
Requirements: Resident of Cheektowaga, Must be 18 and have a driver’s license.
Hours: Monday – Friday, 6:00 am – 2:00 pm
General Statement Of Duties: The work involves the pick – up of grass clippings, lawn and yard refuse and other duties assigned. The work is physical in nature.