HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
Financial help for winter heating costs
Senior Citizen HEAP hotline: 858-7870
HEAP Shut-off Line: 858-1500
WRAP Weatherization(Weatherization Referral Assistance and Packaging Program): 858-8526
Who is eligible? Low income household (owners and renters).
Gross monthly income limits for Regular HEAP (do not include Medicare premium):
Single $2129 Couple $2784
Resource Limit: No resource limits
Gross monthly income limits for Emergency HEAP
Single $2454 Couple $2567
Resource Limit: if threatened with a shut-off notice, limited resources allowed
– Benefits Once a season grant or credit to supplier
– Possible emergency grant if faced with a shut-off.
Note: The information provided is subject to change and is only to be used as a guideline. Please call our office at 686-3930 if more information is needed.