Planning/Zoning Administration
Introducing a new Public GIS Mapping System
Cheektowaga’s GIS Mapping
Current and long range planning is a function of the Office of Building Inspections. Information relative to Zoning and Planning for the Town can be obtained by contacting Richard Coburn, Supv. CEO at (716) 686-3493 or via email at The Town’s most recent comprehensive plan was adopted in 1992, a new comprehensive plan is currently being prepared by the Town and can accessed by the link on this page.
Planning Board
The Town Planning Board is a five member citizen advisory body to the Town Board. Their mission is promulgated within Chapter 26 of the Town Code. Items considered by the Planning Board are intiated by filing a Development Review Application with the Supv. Code Enforcement Officer. Information on the development review application process can be found below. Additional information on the Planning Board can be found on the Planning Board’s webpage.
The Town regulates all uses of land, heights of buildings, building locations and the density or bulk of buildings through its Zoning Law. The Town of Cheektowaga adopted its first zoning ordinance in 1942, which was subsequently replaced by a second zoning ordinance in 1969 with the adoption of its first comprehensive plan. In 1992 the Town adopted its current zoning law and its second comprehensive plan. The current Zoning Law, which has been periodically amended to date, can be found under Chapter 260 of the Town of Cheektowaga Town Code and accessed by the link on this page.
The Town’s Zoning Map can also be found by a link on this page or via GIS mapping link. The map should be used for general reference only. Confirmation of zoning classification at a site specific level can be obtained by contacting the Supv. Code Enforcement Officer via email or telephone. Email zoning map confirmation of a specific parcel or parcels can be provided to an inquirer by placing “Zoning Map Confirmation ” in the email subject line. Please also provide the parcel tax I.D. or SBL number or a property address. Zoning information for the Village of Sloan or the Village of Depew must be obtained from each village individually. The Villages with in the Town of Cheektowaga are distinct and separate political jurisdictions.
The Town of Cheektowaga’s Zoning Board of Appeals hears requests for area variances, use variances, temporary permits, special use permits and interpretations of the Zoning Law. The Zoning Board is comprised of 5 appointed residents of the Town which have the authority to vary the strict application of the Zoning Law, consistent with the requirements of the New York State Town Law. The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Wednesday of every month, filing deadlines are the third Wednesday of the Month prior to the scheduled meeting. Zoning Board of Appeals Request Forms and Instructions can be found on this page under Forms/Applications. Prior to submitting an appeal, applicants are encouraged to read the Guideline for Zoning Board Applicants produced by the NYS Department of State which, will provide a detailed explanation of the Zoning Board of Appeals Process and provide an applicant with a basic understanding of this legal zoning process. The guidelines may be found by the link on this page. Assistance in completing the application can be obtained by contacting the Town Planner.
Environmental Advisory Committee (E.A.C.)
The Town Environmental Advisory Committee is an advisory body which assist the Town Board in reviewing development review actions which also must undergo a review pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR). The committee reviews only those development projects which require a review pursuant to SEQR and provides a recommendation to the Town Board. The Town Board must then make its own determination of environmental significance before an action can be approved. The Environmental Advisory Committee is chaired by the Town Engineer and is made up of members of the Town Traffic Safety Commission, The Office of Building Inspections, the Police Department, The Cheektowaga Conservation Advisory Council (CCAC) and the Town Planner. The E.A.C meets the last Wednesday of every Month at 3:30PM, in the Alexander Community Center. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Development Review / State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR)
Development of vacant land or the expansion of commercially utilized lands in excess of 500 square feet in building area; or the expansion of parking areas requires Site Plan Approval pursuant to section 260-47.1 of the Town Code. Such development projects are initiated by filing a “Development Review Application” with the Supv. Code Enforcement Officer, which can be accessed by the link on this page. Commercial expansions of 4,000 square feet or greater in area also require the filing of Part One of an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) pursuant to the NY State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). The EAF is accessed by the links on this page. The development review process on average takes approximately (60) days from initiation to Town Board action. A number of variables can lengthen this review time, particularly if the application submittal is viewed as incomplete, or additional studies such as Traffic Impact Statements (TIS), Cultural Resource Studies or Wetland Delineations are not provided. Prior to making any submittal for a development review, a pre-application meeting is necessary with the Town Planner. Pre-application meetings may be conducted over the telephone, and are encouraged, with an electronic submittal of a preliminary site plan in PDF format. A flow chart illustrating the Town’s Development Review Process can be obtained by accessing the link on this page.